ICT - an ally and an alien The role of ICT in Swedish popular adult education organisations


  • Gunilla Jedeskog Associate Professor Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning Linköping University
  • Inger Landström Postdoctoral Research Fellow, PhD Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning Linköping University




This article is focused on Swedish folk high schools and study associations as organisational settings (and not explicitly at teaching efforts and educational activities). It concerns results from a research project about introducing and implementing information and communication technology (ICT) in these value based organisations. Our research has mainly been conducted through interviews with people engaged on different organisational levels. In this article empirical results are analysed in relation to actor-network theory (ANT). Human and non-human actors are linked together in a web of relationships referred to as an actor-network. Interaction among actors, contradictory roles of ICT and relations to essential values in these organisations are discussed.



Hvordan referere

Jedeskog, G., & Landström, I. (2009). ICT - an ally and an alien The role of ICT in Swedish popular adult education organisations. Seminar.net, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.7577/seminar.2464


