Teachers’ Experiences and Role in the Design Process of Online Degree Programmes in Higher Education




Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Online degree programmes, Higher education, Teachers' experiences, Design-based research


Background The study was conducted at a university of applied sciences in Finland. The viewpoint is of those online degree programme teachers involved in the initial steps of design and implementation of the first online degree programmes in the organisation that follows a pedagogical strategy in all its operations.

Objectives The teachers as implementers of the intended pedagogical solution have an important role in the design process. Their views were sought to gain information about their experiences of the intended design of online degree programmes in the local context.

Methods This study presents the results of the second cycle of a design-based research (DBR) process in the holistic design of online degree programmes. Focus group interview and thematic analysis were used to gain the teachers’ experiences of the holistic design to further develop the initial design created in the first cycle. 

Findings The results reveal teachers’ positive and negative experiences of the holistic online degree programme design in three layers: organisational, pedagogical and online degree programme. Results include several new considerations, including management support, collegial support, collaboration and co-creation, online degree community, extended online and onsite teaching environments, blended education, and international aspects.

Conclusions The results indicate that it is important for higher education organisations to involve teachers in the design process of online degree programmes. The resulting design principles may be of interest to those managers, coordinators and educators developing higher education online degree programmes.


Marjo Joshi, Turku University of Applied Sciences

Chief Advisor, Collaboration, Research and Education Unit

Mauri Kantola, Turku University of Applied Sciences

Senior Advisor, Collaboration, Research and Education Unit


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Joshi, M., & Kantola, M. (2022). Teachers’ Experiences and Role in the Design Process of Online Degree Programmes in Higher Education. Seminar.net, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/seminar.4698