"There’s No Place like Campus"

Students’ Need for Social Connectedness in a Post-Pandemic Learning Environment




Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Student performance, Student wellbeing, Social support, Digital learning, Post-pandemic


This study investigates the relationships between students’ psychosocial needs and their preferences for online vs. offline learning in a post-pandemic environment. A mixed-methods study was conducted at a higher education institution in Norway with 240 Bachelor students. Students in a post-covid learning environment value pedagogical forms of student-centered learning, through exploration and group reflection work. Second, students report a preference for limited amounts of online learning. Third, students express a significant need for social support, in the form of non-digital interaction with peers and teachers, and campus-based activities. Finally, while students prefer receiving feedback from peers in physical form, they are also positive toward receiving feedback in a digital form.

These findings indicate that higher education institutions should carefully evaluate the amount of digital teaching offered to students, as such choices influence how and to what degree students are able to socially interact with peers and teachers, and their sense of belonging. More research is needed to understand the challenges associated with psychosocial health and well-being among students, and how this relates to online/offline forms of learning.


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Hvordan referere

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