Artographic movements
Towards becoming an artographer in a material cultural practice
art, artogrphy, socio-material fields, materiality, artistic processes, teaching Artistry, aesthetic bildung, relationality, didactics, artographical practiceAbstract
With shared roots in the master's program Educational Theory & Curriculum Studies at DPU, Aarhus Universitet, where classical educational theory and interdisciplinary cultural theories are connected in recent material thinking, this article presents a three-dimensional artography model. Bringing the model to each other's tables, it becomes an occasion for stories and joint fieldwork on how table practices are enacted. Around the tables, kinship is created in conversations and ongoing experiments with art, food, and meals. Around the tables, we become artographers and understand in the shared inquiry with the model how art (A), research (R), and teaching (T) have accompanied us as separate or intertwined threads through our educational processes in time and space. Our contribution to the landscape of A/R/Tography is to emphasize the processes of formation for all participants with the model's simple structure and the addition of the position S for student, grounded in socio-material fields. Through movements between our three dining tables and Bakkehuset´s new conversation corner, we will articulate a material concept of education that can lead to rewriting A/R/Tography from an applicable method to an integrated and lived artographic practice.
Photo: Mette Berndsen
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