Polyphonic voices for the future

The a/r/tographer's entangled becoming





assemblage, intra-artistic-articulations, hierarchies, ongoing ethics, polyphonic voices, the wild


The point of departure for this study is an exploration of how a/r/tography can be used as a method to contribute to new ways of thought and a changed understanding of the researcher, the artist and the teacher in higher education. The data is derived from digital meetings, dialogues, and exchanges of texts and works of art. The data produced is polyphonic, taking the form of assemblages (cf. Deleuze & Guattari, 1987). Data is analyzed and discussed by visualization of intra-actions (Barad, 2007), and the analyzing process is driven by affect (Kristeva, 1980, 1984), resulting in the discovery of the concept of intra-artistic-articulations, which challenges hierarchies and encourages the wild within the a/r/tographer.

Photo: Johanne Ilje-Lien

Author Biographies

Lena O Magnusson, University of Gävle

Lena O. Magnusson is Associate Professor of Visual Arts Education at Department of Educational Science, University of Gävle, Sweden.

Johanne Ilje-Lien, Oslo Metropolitan University

Johanne Ilje-Lien is Associate professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education and International Studies.

Hanna M. Kaihovirta, University of Helsinki

Hannah M. Kaihovirta is Docent and Senior University Lecturer at University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences.


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tunge i kjeramikk




How to Cite

Magnusson, L. O., Ilje-Lien, J., & Kaihovirta, H. M. (2024). Polyphonic voices for the future: The a/r/tographer’s entangled becoming. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 13(3), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.7577/ar.5617