Living as an a/r/tographer —A Nordic perspective





Selected:a/r/tography, A/R/Ttogrphy, artography, a-r-t-ography, arts-based research, artistic research, teacher education, arts education, research in the Nordic countries


This special issue of Nordic Journal for Art & Research is devoted to the arts-based methodology a/r/tography, as it is understood and conducted in the Nordic countries. Living as an a/r/tographera Nordic perspective enlightens the a/r/tographic space between the artist (a), researcher (r), and teacher (t) as well as between the personal or individual and the social—such as communities of practice. In this introduction, the four editors reveal the background and history of the special issue and shortly present the 13 peer reviewed articles in its first part. They also give newcomers a short introduction to the field and discuss some of the core topics relevant to their editorial work. The aim for the issue is to contribute to knowledge that shed light on the distinctive position that characterizes the work of academic staff in the arts in the Nordic teacher educations. However, the article submissions revealed and interest in a/r/tography far beyond teacher education, and the editors chose to include nearby a/r/tographic contributions too. This is a position which develops distinctive competences in its participants, but also a position with demanding work tasks in different directions.

Photo: Ann-Hege Lorvik Waterhouse

Author Biographies

Torill Vist, OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet

Torill Vist (PhD) is a professor in music education at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University.

Ann-Hege Lorvik Waterhouse, University of South-Eastern Norway

Ann-Hege Lorvik Waterhouse, (Ph.D.) is a professor of arts and crafts at the Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education at the University of South-Eastern Norway. She is also a part-time professor at the Department of Arts Education at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Maybritt Jensen, Oslo Metropolitan University

Maybritt Jensen is an associate professor in drama at the Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education and International Studies at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University.

Ingrid Danbolt, Oslo Metropolitan University

Ingrid Danbolt is an associate professor of music in the Early Childhood Education program at OsloMet.


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Picture of rainy day at OlsoMet campus



How to Cite

Vist, T., Waterhouse, A.-H. L., Jensen, M., & Danbolt, I. (2024). Living as an a/r/tographer —A Nordic perspective: Introduction. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 13(3), 1–20.