Ways of Tacit Knowing
A film article
https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.4406Emneord (Nøkkelord):
Craft research, Tacit knowledge, Sensory judgment, Film media, AttentionSammendrag
A common way to describe craft knowledge is through the figure of speech it's in your hands. With this description, there is no attempt made to explain the complex knowledge which is present in craft. One reason why these explanations are rarely articulated is that they consist of sensory judgments. With this film, Ways of Tacit Knowing, we argue that, with the help of film media, it is possible to decode and articulate some of the knowledge content embodied in craft that is often described as tacit knowledge. We, the producers of this film, are experienced craftspeople, which makes us at once both subjects and objects of the research—a methodology akin to auto-ethnography. In the film, we present examples of situations from practice in our different craft fields: the practice in cultivation and management in gardening and the practice of culinary crafts situated in the kitchen and in the dining room. This film presents a dialogue of knowledge in action with craftspeople who discuss their sensory-based judgments in crafts
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Opphavsrett 2021 Joakim Seiler, Lars Eriksson, Tina Westerlund, Gunnar Almevik

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