Estonian and Norwegian Sheep Wool as a Textile Material
Properties and Possibilities for Use Based on the Example of the Wool of Six Sheep Breeds
DOI: (Nøkkelord):
local sheep breeds, testing of wool properties, wool value chainSammendrag
In Estonia, up to 90% of local wool is not adequately valued, while in Norway, due to the well-functioning wool-buying and -sorting system, a large part of local wool is used purposefully. However, both countries have room for improvement in terms of the better usage of local wool. This article provides an overview of the Estonian-Norwegian wool research conducted in from 2020 to 2023 and its main results. During the study, wool was collected from three Estonian and three Norwegian sheep breeds, semi-worsted yarn was made from it, and knitted and woven fabrics were produced. Wool, yarn, and fabrics were tested in numerous ways. The paper presents the main test results and suggests how wools with a wide range of qualities can be used in innovative ways to create textiles. The smart use of materials is based on the possibilities offered by medium-sized production and knowledge about local wool.
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Hvordan referere
Opphavsrett 2023 Ave Matsin, Merje Beilmann, Marte Espelien Blomli, Astri Kaljus, Liina Lehis, Ingvild Svorkmo Espelien, Diana Tuulik

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