Undervisning og veiledning ved studentopphold i utviklingsland

Utfordringer og muligheter


  • Ragnhild Dybdahl OsloMet-Storbyuniversitetet
  • Astrid Christensen OsloMet-Storbyuniversitetet




student exchange, internationalization, supervision, teacher education


We reflect on our experiences supervising students from Norwegian universities when they have intern-ships or do research projects in vulnerable contexts or low- and middle income countries (LMIC). Such stays may provide great opportunities for learning and for engaging in global action for sustainable devel-opment. However, there are also a number of challenges, including; unpredictability; poor governance and lack of available welfare structures; safety and security risks; as well as inequality and power differ-ences. We discuss the necessary preparation and supervision of students. Major questions are when, where and how to engage. Lessons learnt from international development cooperation appear useful, including relevance of activity, effectiveness and, efficiency, and sustainability. The choice of site and activity emerges as a primary concern; in particular partnerships and partner assessment. The role and responsibility of the university and the hosts in developing countries are central. Based on these reflections and our ex-periences, we propose a checklist to be used in selecting sites and assessing student projects suitability.


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Author Biographies

Ragnhild Dybdahl, OsloMet-Storbyuniversitetet

Astrid Christensen, OsloMet-Storbyuniversitetet

Institutt for sosialfag


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How to Cite

Dybdahl, R., & Christensen, A. (2018). Undervisning og veiledning ved studentopphold i utviklingsland: Utfordringer og muligheter. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 2(4), 70–79. https://doi.org/10.7577/njcie.2685