Appraising the Ingredients of the Interpreter/Researcher Relationship

A Reflexive Qualitative Exploration


  • Supriya Baily George Mason University



qualitative research, interviews, reflexivity, translators, interpreters


In this study, we address how student teachers can facilitate democratic engagement in school. The demo-cratic engagement is seen through the lenses of an increasingly digital world through which both teachers and children live in. 42 third-year student teachers systematically prepared to use social media as an illus-trative pedagogical tool in their practice placement period. By using the notions of “thin” and “thick” de-mocracy, we are analyzing student teachers’ understanding of democracy and democratic engagement. Our findings suggest that the students view democracy in a thin way, and this lack of democratic competence may influence their classroom practices as future teachers. The Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture was used to analyse the student teachers’ competence to connect the use of social media as a digital and pedagogical tool in promoting democratic engagement. The findings disclose that students vary in their capacity to make use of social media when promoting democratic en-gagement. In our closing discussion, we argue that these results, primarily, pose serious challenges for teacher education.


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Author Biography

Supriya Baily, George Mason University

Associate Professor

Supriya Baily is Associate Professor at George Mason University where she teaches courses in international and comparative education, qualitative research methods and teacher education.  She is also the Associate Director for the Center for International Education. Her research interests focus on gender, education and empowerment, the role of teacher agency towards social justice, and theorizing qualitative research methods.


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How to Cite

Baily, S. (2018). Appraising the Ingredients of the Interpreter/Researcher Relationship: A Reflexive Qualitative Exploration. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 2(4), 53–69.