Leading and Organising Education for Citizenship of the World

Through Technocratic Homogenisation or Communicative Diversity?


  • Lejf Moos Aarhus University, DPU
  • Elisabet Nihlfors Uppsala University
  • Jan Merok Paulsen OsloMet University




leading, organising, citizenship, technocracy, communication


This special issue discusses governance, leadership and education in the light of Nordic ideas about general education and citizenship of the world. Particular focus is placed on the battle between two very different discourses in contemporary educational policy and practice: an outcomes/standard-based discourse, and a general education-based discourse of citizenship of the world.
Our point of departure is that we need to analyse the close relations between the core and purpose of schooling (the democratic Bildung of students) and the leadership of schools and relations to the outer world. On the one hand, society produces a discourse based on outcomes, with a focus on the marketplace, governance, bureaucracies, account-ability and technocratic homogenisation. On the other hand, society focuses on culture in the arts, language, history, relations and communication, producing a discourse based on democratic Bildung and citizenship of the world.


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Lejf Moos, Aarhus University, DPU

Department of educational sociology




Moos, L., Nihlfors, E., & Paulsen, J. M. (2018). Leading and Organising Education for Citizenship of the World: Through Technocratic Homogenisation or Communicative Diversity?. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 2(2-3), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.7577/njcie.2891