Digitalization of teacher education
Are we prepared for epistemic change?
digitalization, epistemology, teacher education, transformation, agencyAbstract
This paper examines emerging epistemologies in the wake of increased digitalization and the extent to which student teachers are prepared for such epistemologies in their teacher education (TE) programs. Although there are a number of studies on digital epistemologies, few have examined the implications of digitally extended, embedded, and embodied cognition and the ensuing epistemic practices. This study’s analytic focus is partly on a number of project proposals that reflect some of these trends and partly on two surveys of (and some interviews with) student teachers at two universities who were engaged in developing their professional digital competence (PDC) as part of the TE programs. The surveys and interviews indicate that TE tends to focus on the use of digital technologies and less on addressing deeper, epistemological issues in efforts to foster student teachers’ PDC. These findings signify a gap between emerging epistemological trends and how student teachers are prepared for such trends. We conclude by suggesting a focus on digital, epistemic, and transformative agency for TE to cope with the increased digitalization of epistemic practices.
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