High School Teachers’ Adoption of Generative AI
Antecedents of Instructional AI Utility in the Early Stages of School-Specific Chatbot Implementation
generative AI, instructional AI utility, chatbot, high school, teachersAbstract
In 2023, the breakthrough of generative artificial intelligence (AI) led to its adoption. While some teachers expressed frustration over pupil misuse of generative AI, others advocated for the availability of a school-relevant chatbot for pupil use. In October 2023, a local chatbot intended to meet that goal was launched by Oslo Municipality. After six weeks, an investigation was conducted to examine how 246 teachers perceived the opportunities and limitations of this new technology. The examination used structural equation modelling to explore antecedents of instructional AI utility. The analysis shows that the pathway between instructional self-efficacy and AI utility has the highest positively charged value, while the pathways between management and AI utility have low numerical value. This last finding can be interpreted as the influence of untapped management potential and must be seen in the context of the fact that no guidelines for the use of AI in schools existed when the survey was conducted. In addition, the pathway between colleague discussion and AI utility has relatively low numerical values. The potential for learning through discussion among colleagues can be utilized to an even greater degree. The pathway between management and colleague discussion is remarkable. Implications are discussed.
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