Review on pedagogical practices for computational thinking in teacher education

Characterizing an emerging field




Computational thinking, teacher education, literature review, second-order pedagogy, dual didactics


As computational thinking (CT) enters school curricula, and research on teaching of CT emerges, the time has come to spotlight CT in teacher education (TE). To this end, we conducted a literature review on CT in TE for STEM subjects with particular focus on research into pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) learning of pedagogical practices. We found 31 articles addressing CT in TE for STEM subjects between 2012 and 2023, applying qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, mainly with smaller sample sizes. Almost all describe teaching interventions with research on PSTs’ CT skills or attitudes. Only five articles include research questions explicitly addressing pedagogical practices for learning to teach CT. However, 13 articles explicitly describe such pedagogical practices and another seven implicitly do so. The review shows that the practices for teaching CT is an under-researched area, and the field lacks a common language and systematic research approaches. However, we do find that TE has clear ambitions for teaching PSTs about pedagogical practices as well as CT skills and attitudes.


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A bluebell forrest - illustrating the florishing field discussed in the article




How to Cite

Sundtjønn, T., Aalbergsjø, S. G., Møller, T. E., & Schrøder, V. (2024). Review on pedagogical practices for computational thinking in teacher education: Characterizing an emerging field. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 8(4).