Assessing Computational Literacy in First Language (L1) Teaching
Computational Literacy, Assessment, K9, Language Arts, TeachingAbstract
This article addresses the multifaceted challenges of assessing computational literacy (CL) within the context of first language (L1) teaching. The article commences by examining the theoretical foundations and the need for an expanded understanding of CL, moving beyond the popular notion of computational thinking (CT). We then present an example from a 5th-grade classroom in a Danish middle school to illustrate how pupils integrate computational skills into their writing practices through a design-based intervention. Subsequent to this example, we propose a cross-disciplinary framework designed to assess CL in L1 settings, focusing on four principles that bridge traditional language arts with computational approaches. Finally, we reflect on how the application of these principles can help formulate new learning goals that better align with the emerging demands of 21st-century education. Throughout the article, we argue that a CL approach provides a more socially rooted and context-sensitive method for integrating computational methods into non-computer science subjects, offering theoretical clarity and practical benefits for both educators and researchers alike. The article commences with a discussion of the CL approach related to assessment.
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