Job demands and resources of information and technology use among teachers in Germany

A group concept mapping study




Information and communication technology (ICT), technostress, digitalization, school, teacher health, well-being


Some teachers associate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use with additional stress, referred to as technostress, while others seem to be able to utilize the advantages and potentials of ICT. There is a lack of research on how ICT experience is perceived as a threat or a positive challenge to well-being and how ICT specifically impacts the well-being of teachers in a positive way. Thus, the study aims to compile influencing factors of ICT use on teachers’ well-being and to gain knowledge on the role of the benefits of ICT. Furthermore, information about the interplay of factors is to be obtained. The group concept mapping (GCM) method was used with 14 in-service German teachers from different school types. They compiled, sorted and rated factors related to teachers’ well-being in the context of ICT use. The sorted factors were structured using non-metric multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis. Seventy-eight unique factors were generated and divided into 9 clusters. The resulting concept map (CM) provides an overview of the various factors and gives information about their interplay. In addition, the teachers rated clusters related to the positive effects on teachers’ well-being as more important than those related to negative effects. The results suggest that future studies should consider the positive effects of ICT on teachers’ well-being more extensively. Furthermore, the structure of the CM and the individual factors are linked to previous research. Limitations concerning the chosen method and sampling are discussed.

Author Biography

Ingmar Hosenfeld, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau

Center for Educational Research, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Landau, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany


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How to Cite

Cramer, M., & Hosenfeld, I. (2024). Job demands and resources of information and technology use among teachers in Germany: A group concept mapping study., 20(1).


