Practice-based holistic STEM teaching in VET
Increasing students’ participation opportunities
DOI: (Nøkkelord):
STEM, holistic teaching, practice-orientation, practice-based, participation opportunities, collaborationSammendrag
This article examines the significance of practice-based holistic STEM teaching in vocational education and training and how it can enhance students' motivation and learning in STEM subjects. The study shows that STEM teaching, which incorporates vocational practice, can motivate and include more student groups, including those with negative experiences from previous schooling. The article distinguishes between 'imagined vocational practice' and 'experienced vocational practice'. The article argues that the latter, which involves concrete, physical experiences, has the potential to strengthen students' motivation and increase the opportunities for participation in STEM teaching.
When students have the opportunity to physically experience their future vocational practice, it can help enhance their engagement and improve their learning outcomes in STEM subjects. Practice-based and holistic teaching makes abstract concepts more concrete and therefore easier for students to relate to their future vocation. The empirical analyses in the article are based on the research and development project 'Holistic STEM Teaching in VET'. The data collection was carried out through observations and qualitative interviews as well as a national survey. Additionally, an international literature review was conducted. The analysis indicates that when teaching initially involves experienced vocational practice and later introduces imagined vocational practice, it can help students understand and appreciate the theoretical aspects of STEM subjects.
Practice-based holistic teaching requires interdisciplinary collaboration between STEM teachers and vocational teachers, as well as organizational structures that facilitate this. Teachers' collaboration supports students' sense of meaning in STEM subjects, as it qualifies the inclusion of relevant practice across vocational and STEM subjects. The article concludes that practice-based holistic STEM teaching, which is based on concrete vocational experiences, not only increases motivation and learning among students but also contributes to more inclusive and meaningful teaching that can engage a broader range of student types.
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Opphavsrett 2025 Henrik Hersom, Felicia Lind Benthien

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