Certification and Qualification

A Comparative Analysis of the Final Thesis at Two Teacher Educations





vocational teacher, evaluation, Bernstien, professionalisation, certification, final thesis, teacher, thesis


New teachers are certified and qualified during their teacher training course. Teachers in Denmark at upper secondary level – vocational teachers and teachers at gymnasiums – are obliged to complete a pedagogical course, and though course structure and content differ, the teachers complete the course with a final thesis. A selection of the final thesis from those courses forms part of the empirical data in the comparative study. The theoretical approach in the paper is Bernstein´s concept the pedagogical code and Dahler-Larsens notion of evaluation as control and as constitutive.

The analysis reveals that thesis composition and content as well the grading differ between the two courses. There is also a difference in choice of literature in terms of focus towards the specific education level, the students, international references, methods and scientific theory. The discussion in the paper is about the impact of those variations concerning the professionalisation of teachers at the upper secondary level.


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How to Cite

Duch, H. (2019). Certification and Qualification: A Comparative Analysis of the Final Thesis at Two Teacher Educations. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 4(1), 174–195. https://doi.org/10.7577/sjvd.2965



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