Kontekstbegrepet i sosiokulturell forskning på literacy


  • Ellen Beate OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet




context – sociocultural approaches – literacy - epistemology


In sociocultural research, the concept of context is essential to knowledge development. But often the concept has a vague and implicit position in research (Säljö, 2001). Actions, interactions, use of language etc. in situations, in context, are not fully explained or considered in light of artefacts and environments. In other words; in what way do context play a role in research, and where does the boundary of context go? And what kind of implications has boundary of context to knowledge development and epistemology?

The aim of this article is to discuss and problematize these questions by some sociocultural approaches to the concept of context in research on literacy. Sociocultural theories represent different views on context and the boundaries of context. This implies different perspectives on different factors in the context; both physical observable factors (activities, artefacts, actions, interactions etc.), and non-observable factors or abstractions (attitudes, ideology, power, prejudices, beliefs etc.). To highlight various understandings and interpretation of context, and to do this explicit in research, will make the concept of context meaningful and an important basis of epistemology and knowledge development within qualitative research on literacy, but perhaps also other thematic issues. The article refer to and give some examples of research on literacy mostly within the field of vocational education to illustrate how different use of the concept of context give different knowledge of the relation context and literacy.


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How to Cite

Ellen Beate. (2021). Kontekstbegrepet i sosiokulturell forskning på literacy. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/sjvd.4310



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