«You become a bit self-confident, and think ‹wow› someone will actually send the car to us!»

Mini-companies as a tool for an experienced relevant everyday school life





Much criticism has been raised about too much theoretical content in vocational subjects in Norway.
Classroom teaching is particularly hard on uneasy and energetic youth with a desire to work practically. Many at-risk-youth need an everyday school life that includes a significant amount of practice, and learning tasks that gives students an experience of meaning.
Research shows that factors such as family background and gender influence students' likelihood of completing and passing upper secondary education.
Boys with a minority background in vocational fields of study have the lowest probability of completing their education in the normal timeframe.
The aim of the article is to examine how the use of mini-companies in vg2 Motor Vehicles
can promote mastery and motivation for this group of students at an east-end school in Oslo, and the article's research question is. how can a project with use of mini-companies in vocational subjects contribute to relevance for boys in a metropolitan school? The study's theoretical perspectives are based on theories that can be used in connection with the concepts of students with minority background, relevant vocational education and training and entrepreneurship.
The study is based on qualitative interviews with ten students who were attending the second year of vocational education and training in Motor Vehicles, at a large upper secondary school in the capital region.
The results show that the involved students mainly experienced the work with the mini-companies as motivating and many students experienced high learning outcomes.


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How to Cite

Gilberg, A. (2024). «You become a bit self-confident, and think ‹wow› someone will actually send the car to us!»: Mini-companies as a tool for an experienced relevant everyday school life. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 9(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.7577/sjvd.4999



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