Curriculum analysis of two vocational education programmes

What basis do the curricula provide for teaching that creates sustainability consciousness?




sustainability consciousness, curriculum, vocational education, sustainable development


This article aims to highlight and create awareness about the curriculum's emphasis on sustainable development for students in vocational education in Norway. In the Education Act, there is a stated goal that students and apprentices should be able to act ethically, be environmentally conscious, and hence make sustainable choices within their profession. Based on this, this study examines the extent to which the curriculum of two vocational education programs facilitates this by supporting the development of students’ sustainability consciousness. The data material consists of the Core curriculum, the curriculum for the subjects of the two vocational education programs Healthcare, child and youth development, and Technology and industry. The curricula have been analyzed using the analytical framework for sustainability consciousness, which has been adapted to the Norwegian context. The results show that there are some differences both between the different curricula and within the curricula for subjects as well as between the two education programmes. The differences consist, among other things, in the number of competence objectives linked to sustainable development and whether the majority of these are in the program subjects or joint subjects. At the same time, there are some similarities, such as the fact that the social dimension is most emphasized, that the curricula to a small extent describe work or competence aims related to attitudes and that many competence aims are implicit in relation to sustainable development. The implication is that although the curricula of the two education programs can, taken together, facilitate the development of students' sustainability awareness, it requires that teachers emphasize the topic, make use of the curriculum's room for action and implement the entire curriculum in teaching.


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How to Cite

Korsager, M., Reitan, B., & Iversen, E. (2023). Curriculum analysis of two vocational education programmes: What basis do the curricula provide for teaching that creates sustainability consciousness?. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 8(1), 101–121.



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