Learning in technology
Training for vocations within industrial technology to meet the demands of the 21st-century labour market and competence requirements
In the light of the technological evolution of Industry 4.0, learning factories have emerged as a crucial platform for developing technological competence. However, there has been growing concern that the human aspect and the significance of sustainability are being overlooked. In this discussion, we have explored six different articles that address various aspects of learning factories. We have also critiqued the limitations inherent in Industry 4.0 and proposed the concepts of Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0, which emphasize innovation and a more human-cantered approach.
As an alternative to the traditional definition of a learning factory, we have developed a new definition that considers these aspects: "A learning factory is a learning environment where processes and technologies are based on a real industrial area that allows a direct approach to value chains, production, and work processes. Learning is anchored in a business-organizational context and incorporates shifts in society and the economy. Sustainability and innovation are central, with balancing economic development in light of societal and climate challenges being part of the learning factory's context. The learning factory is based on didactic thinking with an emphasis on experiential and problem-based learning. A philosophy of continuous improvement is developed through the participants' own actions and interactive involvement." This definition is designed to guide our empirical work with the learning factory at Raufoss. The intention is that it can contribute to a more holistic and future-oriented understanding of the learning factory as a vocational didactic concept.
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