Vocational teachers' digital competence

A study of ePortfolios and documentation systems in school-work relationships





Profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse, yrkesfaglærer, yrkesdidaktikk, ePortfolioer


The term professional digital competence (PDC) has gained currency in the research literature on new requirements for teachers' professional competence in a digitized working life. However, this research has in a small extent dealt with vocational teachers.

The article takes as its starting point a vocational didactic perspective on the pedagogical integration ePortfolios and digital documentation to promote learning in a vocational education that alternates between school and working life. A model for the vocational teachers' PDC, the YFL model, has been developed based on this understanding and is in this study subjected to an exploratory validation. Theoretically, the study is placed in a socio-cultural understanding of learning where areas of use and different purposes for this technology are seen in the light of opportunities for learning across arenas in collaboration with other actors. The research design for the study is inspired by design-based research where research-based principles for system design and close collaboration between researchers and practitioners. The data material is organized thematically and presented as integrated conclusions in line with principles for integrative mixed method research.

To be successful with technology-supported border crossing practices, the results show, in light of the YFL model, that vocational teachers need both profession-based and subject-integrated competences. This can be seen, for example, in professional communication about vocational didactic purposes for using ePortfolios, and in a more innovative and transformative practice when students create personal learning portfolios that communicate vocational competence. This challenges the vocational teacher's role by requiring a more adaptive pedagogical approach. A development of PDC includes competence dimensions linked to other actors' attitudes to technology, opportunities for cooperation in the development of the technological systems and in overcoming organizational and political obstacles. Further research should make a systematic study of core dimensions in the YFL model across vocational subjects.


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How to Cite

Berntsen, S. K., & Lahn, L. C. (2024). Vocational teachers’ digital competence: A study of ePortfolios and documentation systems in school-work relationships. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 9(1), 47–65. https://doi.org/10.7577/sjvd.5648



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