Potentials and Limitations of MOOCs in Vocational Teacher Education

Postgraduate Vocational Students’ Perspectives





The aim of this study is to explore vocational education student teachers’ (VTE students) experiences with massive open online courses (MOOCs) as digital learning resources in vocational teacher education. The study explores two research questions: 1) What potentials and limitations in MOOCs do VTE students perceive as a learning resource in vocational education and training (VET) and vocational teacher education (VTE)? 2) Through the lens of the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu), how can MOOCs enhance VTE students’ specific digital competences?

The data material comprises assignments and reflection notes written by 100 VTE students in an add-on model of vocational teacher education after engaging with MOOCs. The data was analysed according to the steps in reflexive thematic analysis.

The findings were sorted into three overarching themes: potentials, limitations and frame factors. Potentials described by VTE students include flexibility, variety, activity, differentiated instruction, shareability and actuality, while limitations stated were related to interactions, relationship building, practical skills, tacit knowledge, Bildung and catchability. Frame factors, such as students’ and teachers’ preconditions and economic resources, were perceived as both potentials and limitations.

The findings illustrate that, as digital learning resources in VTE, MOOCs have many potentials, but also several limitations. Vocational teachers must be cognisant of when, where and for what purpose(s) MOOCs are beneficial learning resources. MOOCs cannot replace a physical presence in VTE or in VET but can be a valuable complement. To facilitate the development of students’ digital skills, VTE students must develop and strengthen their own professional digital competence. Despite criticisms that the European DigCompEdu framework does not accommodate the unique characteristics of vocational subjects, this study shows that DigCompEdu encompasses a wide range and captures central aspects of the multifaceted digital competence vocational education teachers need in order to educate future skilled workers for a diverse workforce.


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How to Cite

Ramlo, S. H., & Utvær, B. K. (2024). Potentials and Limitations of MOOCs in Vocational Teacher Education: Postgraduate Vocational Students’ Perspectives. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 9(1), 66–90. https://doi.org/10.7577/sjvd.5677



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