Vocational didactics based on industrial teachers’ stories

A study on vocational teaching and vocational learning in Swedish vocational upper secondary schools





Vocational didactics, vocational teaching, vocational learning, narrative research, Industrial technology program, vocational upper secondary education


Based on industrial teachers’ narrated experiences of teaching and meeting students at Swedish vocational high schools, this study will provide a definition of the concept of vocational didactics. The study is based on two central pillars: 1) the concept of vocational didactics and 2) narrative research. The concept of vocational didactics is elaborated on the basis of previous research, and stories are further described as the theoretical and methodological starting points. The results show that ten themes about vocational didactics (vocational teaching and vocational learning) emerge from the industrial teachers’ stories. The common denominator in the themes is the concept of occupation, which is related to employability as an industrial worker. The vocational didactics and its constituent themes, which are context-bound and change as a result of technological development and societal changes, are processed and discussed in relation to the workshop environment (master-apprentice tradition) and school environment. The conclusion is that vocational didactics comprises teaching and learning professional skills and enabling students to become professional practitioners in a profession and a labour market that change continuously in step with technological development and social change.


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How to Cite

Asghari, H. (2024). Vocational didactics based on industrial teachers’ stories : A study on vocational teaching and vocational learning in Swedish vocational upper secondary schools. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 9(1), 91–109. https://doi.org/10.7577/sjvd.5710



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