From Exclusion to Inclusion with School on the Construction Site
Youth exclusion, NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), capability approach, empowerment processes, vocational training initiativesAbstract
In this article, a specific vocational training initiative is explored, namely ‘School on the Construction Site” (Skole på Byggeplass/SPB in Norwegian); a vocational education program in building and construction developed and offered through a collaboration between Veidekke Entreprenør and Akershus County Municipality at Jessheim Upper Secondary School. The initiative is aimed at young individuals who, for various reasons, have not been able to complete their upper secondary education. The purpose of the article is to investigate which elements can explain why this program is largely successful in getting young people to complete upper secondary school? Analytically, the article draws on a capability approach, linking quality of life to freedom and empowerment. The article is based on a qualitative study in which we interviewed six young individuals who completed the SPB training to gain insights into their perspectives and experiences with the initiative. Additionally, we interviewed three employees from SPB to understand the organization, as well as the intentions and frameworks behind it. The results highlight specific conversion factors and elements at various levels that have been crucial for the youths in the training program. These are particularly linked to the start-up phase, the classroom environment, the classroom management, and the educational content. Among other things, SPB succeeds in providing close and comprehensive follow-up, practice-based teaching, predictable expectations and frameworks, as well as consistent individual adaptation. The findings also indicate a shared agreement on both the structure and intentions behind SPB, influencing the desired outcomes and the approach to driving the youths towards their goals. Finally, the article discusses the possibility of transferring elements from SPB to other contexts or vocational training initiatives.
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