A ‘reverse’ academic drift?
Changes in Swedish educational Crafts
https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.5407Emneord (Nøkkelord):
Craft education, sloyd, digitalisation, educational ecology, primary schoolSammendrag
The prerequisites for formal training in Swedish educational Crafts have changed over time under the influence of two long-lasting societal processes: academisation and digitalisation. In different, yet interconnected ways, these processes of change are challenging the materiality, the making and the action-based knowledge that characterise educational Crafts. The paper presents how primary school teachers’ view the influence of academisation and digitalisation in their work and explores the consequences that change processes hold for the teaching practice in Crafts. The study is based on
qualitative interviews with Craft teachers whose graduation year was between 1983 and 2021. Theoretically, Craft is considered to be a living ecology in an educational system. In the analysis, academic drift
on various levels is combined with media-ecology concepts to clarify the diffusion of academisation and digitalisation in both time and space. The findings show academic drift leading to increased text-based knowledge production on several levels, yet also an unexpected weakening of action-based knowledge in Crafts. Balancing student and staff drift is further shown to result in the avoidance of written text in favour of digital visual, oral and bodily mediations in the production of knowledge. The study’s overall results question an ongoing ‘reverse’ academic drift and what is at stake in the Crafts ecology’s efforts to achieve balance.
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Opphavsrett 2023 Stina Westerlund

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