Locating critical design literacy
Review of lower secondary pupils’ submissions for an ecovillage
https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.5761Emneord (Nøkkelord):
critical reflection, design for sustainability, architectural education, lower secondary schoolSammendrag
This paper addresses one of the challenges presented in the call for the October 2022 symposium prior to this special issue: How would we expect design literacy (knowledge) to be demonstrated by non-designers? The study focuses on Norwegian pupils aged 15–16 years who were tasked with designing shared-living spaces for an ecovillage, aiming to encourage mixed use, inclusive social interaction, and a reduction in the carbon footprint. The study explores the level of critical design literacy demonstrated in 55 digital submissions from the pupils. The results indicate that the pupils are more proficient in expressing and discussing aspects of social sustainability than they are at addressing environmental sustainability. The paper concludes by discussing how teachers might structure projects to encourage pupils to engage more deeply in transformative design practices.
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Opphavsrett 2024 Eva Lutnæs

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