Editorial. Financial support for FormAkademisk

– research journal for design and design education


  • Janne Beate Reitan Editor-in-chief FORMakademisk




FormAkademisk is in the process of financial support for the coming years to institutions that most frequently apply the journal as a publication channel.

FormAkademisk is the only scientific journal in the Nordic countries that publishes articles in all the subject areas covered by the Professional Council for Design Education and the Professional Council for Architecture and Landscape Architecture Education in the Universities Norway (UHR). In addition, FormAkademisk publishes articles within design education from kindergarten to doctorate. The support from the Professional for design education, which was adopted at their meeting on October 13, 2008, was very important during the establishment period of the journal and in the process towards scientific approval at level 1 in 2008. When the journal is celebrating its 10th anniversary, the support is at least as important. FormAkademisk has also been nominated by the Professional Council for Design Education for level 2 in the Norwegian Publication Indicator (NPI).



How to Cite

Reitan, J. B. (2019). Editorial. Financial support for FormAkademisk: – research journal for design and design education. FormAkademisk, 11(5). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.3236




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