Interactive architecture as a therapeutic environment for people with Alzheimer’s disease, a scoping review
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Assistive technology, Alzheimer’s disease, interactive architecture, therapeutic environments, virtual environmentSammendrag
As the global population ages, the number of people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) increases. AD is the most common cause of dementia. In recent years interactive architecture has been developed to enhance the lives of people coping with this disease. This article presents an extensive literature review from existent research projects on how assistive technology (AT) has been used as a physical and cognitive rehabilitation aid to AD and other dementia patients. The review served to identify gaps in AT implemented place. That revealed the following findings: (1) a notable improvement in both physical and cognitive rehabilitation when integrating AT in patients’ therapeutic environments, (2) a positive effect for caregivers when patients used AT individually, and (3) a lack of clarity due to limited studies on the use of AT for daily activities in residents’ rooms at healthcare centers. However, further studies are necessary to explore the AT potential integrating strategies to promote daily activities in the residents’ rooms at healthcare centers, and the architectural factors that could affect ATs’ efficiency.
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