Entangled Materialities

Caring for soil communities at glass industry sites


  • Riikka Latva-Somppi Aalto University
  • Maarit Mäkelä Aalto University
  • Kristina Lindström Malmö University
  • Åsa Ståhl Linnaeus University




Soil, Craft and Design, Aftermath, Glass industry, Care


This paper discusses craft and design practices through their impact on the environment. We consider how to act concerning the consequences of the craft and design industry. Also, we reflect on the agency of our field of practice in changing how we perceive the environment. We present three case studies of the European glass industry sites in Sweden, Italy and Finland, where we study contamination of the soil with participatory, speculative and craft methods. Through these cases, we reflect on our role in soil communities and ask how we may act in them with responsibility, hope and care. We conclude by proposing to act locally, to share our practices and make them visible, expanding our situated, personal skills and knowledge towards the political.

Author Biographies

Riikka Latva-Somppi , Aalto University

Doctoral student, Master of Arts

Maarit Mäkelä , Aalto University

Associate Professor, Doctor of Arts

Kristina Lindström, Malmö University

Senior lecturer, PhD

Åsa Ståhl, Linnaeus University

Senior lecturer, PhD


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How to Cite

Latva-Somppi , R. ., Mäkelä , M., Lindström, K. ., & Ståhl, Åsa. (2021). Entangled Materialities : Caring for soil communities at glass industry sites. FormAkademisk, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.4180

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