Crafting Ceramics through the Use of Virtual Reality


  • Flemming Tvede Hansen The Royal Danish Academy



Ceramics, digital crafting, craft, 3d clay printing, Virtual reality


This paper reflects ongoing research about how new technology creates new possibilities within crafting and how it can build on traditional techniques within the field of ceramics. The research explores how virtual reality (VR), using Oculus Rift and 3D-printing in clay is suitable to link to the process of throwing vessels within ceramic crafts. The quality of the crafted objects in question is based on the ability of the presented technique to combine throwing and pattern-making as an integrated process while building up the thrown object, here named virtual pattern-throwing. Furthermore, it is argued that this use of VR for throwing makes it possible to recall a hands-on experience and thus weave the quality of the traditional craftsmanship with the virtual within the process of making vessels.

Author Biography

Flemming Tvede Hansen, The Royal Danish Academy

Ph.D., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Hansen, F. T. (2021). Crafting Ceramics through the Use of Virtual Reality. FormAkademisk, 14(2).

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