Reimagining lace in a digital space

An interdisciplinary collaboration between an animation artist and a textile designer


  • Cecilia Heffer University of Technology Sydney



contemporary lace, materiality, animation, (P)lace-making, lace-scape


This paper presents how a contemporary lace practice explored the medium of animation as a digital tool for craft research. Research is practice based and theoretically framed around notions of smooth and striated space as a means to articulate how a designer engages in textile thinking to reimagine new expressions for (p)lace in a digital age. The author sought to test out if animation could capture and disseminate an ephemeral lace process. This led to a curious convergence between two disciplines. What was initially to be a tool for efficiency and speed unexpectedly turned out to be a method for abstracting an allusive lace making process. Learning about the idiosyncrasies of another discipline opened new aesthetic opportunities for a contemporary lace practice and introduced novel methods to disseminate future material research.

Author Biography

Cecilia Heffer, University of Technology Sydney

Senior Lecturer in Textiles


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How to Cite

Heffer, C. . . (2021). Reimagining lace in a digital space : An interdisciplinary collaboration between an animation artist and a textile designer . FormAkademisk, 14(2).

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