Learning to create images with computer code





Processing, programming, tinkering, learning, digital images


Programming is becoming a part of the school curricula in Norway both in lower and upper secondary education – this includes subjects such as art, design and craft. What can programming contribute to the learning processes of these subjects? ‘Tinkering’ is a creative phase in a learning/working process, emphasising both creation and learning. In this project, visual images are created via computer programming to enhance the main author’s learning. The process is structured into stages. The important phases of the learning process are realised as a result of tinkering with existing codes. An important discovery for the learner, and one key aspect of programming images is that, as a mode, it opens up ways to create repetitions effectively, resulting in various patterns. This turned out to be motivating for the learner. This paper discusses tinkering as a learning process that is relevant to programming within art, design and craft education.

Author Biographies

Peter Haakonsen, Oslo Metropolitan University

Assistant Professor
Department of art, design and drama
Faculty of technology, art and design

Laila Belinda Fauske, Oslo Metropolitan University

Professor (PhD) 
Department of art, design and drama
Faculty of technology, art and design



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How to Cite

Haakonsen, P. ., & Fauske, L. B. (2021). Learning to create images with computer code. FormAkademisk, 14(4). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.4633

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