Editorial. Join peer reviewing as voluntary work!





peer reviewing, voluntary work


The authorities have said that we all must participate in the voluntary work to fight infection from the coronavirus. We in the editorial team of FormAkademisk ask you to say yes to contributing to the voluntary work as a peer reviewer of articles. All articles must be peer reviewed by at least two independent peers. During the corona pandemic, we have unfortunately experienced that many more people decline to contribute to this important and absolutely necessary contribution for scientific publication. Because of this many authors have waited too long for feedback on the articles they have submitted to FormAkademisk.

In FormAkademisk, we always ask the best qualified researcher first to be a peer reviewer for submitted articles. We ask internationally researchers if the article is written in English and in Scandinavia if the article is written in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. We notice that the very best peer reviewers, those who are perhaps the busiest, most often accept to be reviewer and they deliver their peer review the fastest. So, if we ask you, it's because we think you are the best for reviewing that particular article.

Being a peer reviewer for others’ articles also provides good learning for you, both when it comes to being updated on new academic knowledge and for good examples for your own scientific writing. For every article you get peer-reviewed, you should say yes to at least two articles from others– because there are at least two who have peer-reviewed your article. That is fair!



How to Cite

Reitan, J. B. (2021). Editorial. Join peer reviewing as voluntary work!. FormAkademisk, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.4750




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