Book review: Den kvinnelige industriskole sett innenfra (From spinsters to career women. The life, times and people at the Female Industrial School from 1875 to 1950)


  • Tone Rasch



design/ fashion/ gender/ professions/ textiles


Fra skyggetanter til yrkeskvinner. Livet, tiden og menneskene ved Den kvinnelige industriskolen fra 1875 til 1950 (From spinsters to career women. The life, time and people at the Female Industrial School from 1875 to 1950),written by lecturer Kirsten Røvig Håberg, was published in 2012. The book acts on the Female Industrial School (Craft School for Women), the precursor for the Institute of Art, Design and Drama (EST) Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD) in Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA). Women were educated in textile crafts and the typical feminine orientation of the subjects made it possible for women to make a career in a professional life otherwise dominated by men. I addition to tell stories about students and lecturers at the school, the text treats a general culture historical presentation of fashion and design. The book review deals with the connection between textile crafts and the history of women in addition to reflect on the design of the book.



How to Cite

Rasch, T. (2013). Book review: Den kvinnelige industriskole sett innenfra (From spinsters to career women. The life, times and people at the Female Industrial School from 1875 to 1950). FormAkademisk, 5(2).

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