Skill, craft, and poiesis-intensive innovation




Craft, Skill, Food, Poiesis, Ethnography, Anthropology, Responsible Innovation


What is craft practice? The  purpose of this paper is to contrast the categorization of craft practice with that of skill and innovation. I argue for the relevance of innovative skilled practice to future-making. Both skill and craft play an important part in collective engagements with futuring. With an ethnographic methodology, typical of anthropological fieldwork, I have explored skill in dairy farming, cheese making, and currently food gardening. In all these three realms, the results of ethnographic observation are that ideational processes immediately connect to intimate acquaintance with materials and ecosystems (including flora and fauna, soil, climate, landscape and humans). My conclusion is that craft practice and its outcomes imply a highly localized cosmology of evaluation. I show how comparative ethnography allows the mapping of these relations between people and places, and their more-than-local connections.

Author Biography

Cristina Grasseni, University of Leiden

Professor of Anthropology  


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How to Cite

Grasseni, C. (2023). Skill, craft, and poiesis-intensive innovation . FormAkademisk, 16(4).

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