Human–Material Dialogues Through the Use of Robotics
Embodied Craft Learning in an Architectural Educational Context Exploring Patterns in Clay
DOI: (Nøkkelord):
Robotics, Craft, embodied learning, Human-material dialogue, ceramicsSammendrag
This research investigates and discusses an embodied craft learning situation in an educational context that aims to support students within architecture by applying human–material dialogues when using robotics. Initially, the students were introduced to traditional craftsmanship based on materials and tools in ceramics. Based on the gained experiential knowledge, the same tools and materials were applied and explored on a UR 5 robot. A sensor provided the students with the opportunity to interact with the material through the robot while it was operating. The learning situation showed the potential to teach the students about robotics based on human–material dialogues and embodiment through making. The sensor enabled the students to use their experiential knowledge to improvise and work intuitively and spontaneously while they were exploring patterning based on the tools attached to the robot and the responsive material.
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Opphavsrett 2023 Flemming Tvede Hansen

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