Material utterances in feedback within practical-aesthetic school subjects




Feedback, Materiality, Posthumanism, Material utterances, Practical-aesthetic subjects


The article presents a part of a pilot study investigating feedback within practical-aesthetic subjects in primary and secondary education. Feedback within the school context is often understood as verbal or written communication between teachers and students. The subjects referred to as practical-aesthetic largely involve skill training in relation to materials and various types of artifacts. In situated activities where materials, the body, and cultural practices interact, the content and formation of feedback need to be examined as a relational process. Using the posthumanist analytical concept of "material utterances," the article aims to make visible and discuss feedback phenomena that emerge within and through situated activities in three practical-aesthetic subjects: crafts, home and consumer studies, and art. The phenomena made visible within/through these activities are the inclusions and exclusions that are continuously made, creating dynamic feedback hybrids. It is within these feedback hybrids of materials, body, and discourse that understanding and knowledge are formed and constantly reshaped

Author Biography

Jonas Asplund, Stockholms universitet

PhD student


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How to Cite

Asplund, J. (2024). Material utterances in feedback within practical-aesthetic school subjects. FormAkademisk, 17(1).

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