Hands on!

Material-based and artistic explorations and expressions through stop-motion animation





Digital practice, stop-motion animation, arts and crafts in early childhood education, embodied cognition


This article examines an educational animation project involving Early Childhood Education students through an art-based research methodology. The project focuses on exploratory and creative digital practices using material-based stop-motion animation. Both the 2017 Framework Plan for Kindergartens and the 2020 National Curriculum for primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary education emphasize the importance of children and pupils working exploratively and creatively with and through digital technologies. Consequently, there is a need to develop and discuss how such practices can be designed and implemented. The article explores the connections between materials and digital technologies in creative work with stop-motion animation, promoting an exploratory practice that is in line with children's and pupils' bodily ways of learning. The theoretical framework is rooted in theories of embodiment, highlighting how cognition is deeply intertwined with the materialities of our environment. Our cognition is shaped through interactions with our surroundings and by shaping materials with our hands.

Author Biographies

Karete Roksvåg, University of South-Eastern Norway

Assistant professor
Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science 

Lovise Søyland, University of South-Eastern Norway

Associate professor (PhD)
Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science 


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Snø på blått silkesjal. Stillbilde fra en animasjonsfilm



How to Cite

Roksvåg, K., & Søyland, L. (2024). Hands on! : Material-based and artistic explorations and expressions through stop-motion animation. FormAkademisk, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.5668

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