Abstract and Poetic Multiplane Animation

An A/R/Tographic Exploration of Embodied Knowledge





embodied knowledge, stop-motion animation, material-digital practice, arts and crafts in early childhood education


This multimodal article presents a work of artistic research in which the author explores abstract and poetic multiplane animation. Methodologically, the research is situated within a/r/tography, with a theoretical framework grounded in theories of embodied knowledge. Through photo documentation, written text, and animation film, the study reveals the embodied knowledge of multiplane animation as both a technique and an artistic form of expression, highlighting its potential in educational settings with children in kindergarten and primary school. Additionally, the article examines how animation can foster new and expanded understandings of the connections between materials and technology, contributing to a material-digital practice aligned with children's embodied ways of learning. The research question addressed is: What embodied knowledge about multiplane animation can be developed through artistic exploration, and what learning potential exists in exploratory and creative work with multiplane animation together with children? This question is discussed through three categories: (1) Abstract multiplane animation as a poetic movement; (2) Multiplane animation as a spatial collage; (3) Multiplane animation as slow knowledge and slow craft.

Author Biography

Karete Roksvåg, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge

Assistant professor
Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science, 


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How to Cite

Roksvåg, K. (2024). Abstract and Poetic Multiplane Animation: An A/R/Tographic Exploration of Embodied Knowledge. FormAkademisk, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.5669

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