Book review. Smart læring. Hvordan IKT og sosiale medier endrer læring (Smart learning. How ICT and social media are changing learning).


  • Peter Haakonsen Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus



Lærerutdanning, IKT


Smart læring. Hvordan IKT og sosiale medier endrer læring (Smart learning. How ICT and social media are changing learning). Haakonsen believes that it is a concise, informative and useful book that makes a case for how we can and why we should use ICT and digital media more in schools. Having given a general overview of various theories of learning and teaching paradigms that have relied upon in the past few decades (referred to as ‘industrial society’), the author discusses how the learning potential of the internet and social media is not fully utilised in schools today. Krokan is concerned that ICT works on its own terms, rather than mimicking and replacing operations that have been undertaken in analogy earlier. A computer is more than a digital typewriter, and this is a point that is used in the discussion about how fruitful it can be to ensure that the internet and social media are used more often in teaching.

Author Biography

Peter Haakonsen, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus


Institutt for estetiske fag



How to Cite

Haakonsen, P. (2014). Book review. Smart læring. Hvordan IKT og sosiale medier endrer læring (Smart learning. How ICT and social media are changing learning). FormAkademisk, 7(5).



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