Oslo Art and Design Education (University) College 1966–1994 – An educational institution with corporate responsibility and sustainability in focus


  • Randi Veiteberg Kvellestad OsloMet




history, education, textile training, experimentation, pilot projects and development


The artile chronicles the Department of Art, Design and Drama at Oslo and Akershus University College ca. 1950 to 1990. The school bore the name Oslo Art and Design Education College (SLFO) from 1966 to 1975 and Oslo Art and Design Education University College from 1975 to 1994. The institution had a clear teaching focus while running extensive programs on professional training, pilot projects and guidance service. The tradition of quality in the choice of material as well as work with engineering and design was strong, but greater emphasis was eventually placed on experimentation with material, tools and techniques. The students were both encouraged and challenged to be creative and rely on their own ideas in experimentation. The article set its focus on change and training in textiles needlework teacher education. The source materials are annual reports, published texts found in the Institute's history collection and interviews of seven employees who worked at the school in part or the whole period. Informants’ arguments and the analysis of texts are related to recent research in Sweden and Norway. The article shows that the institution once stood for attitudes that one would today call sustainable, with strong quality requirements. Thus, the institution showed social responsibility through education and industrial initiatives.

Author Biography

Randi Veiteberg Kvellestad, OsloMet

Department of Art, Design and Drama, Associate Professor



How to Cite

Kvellestad, R. V. (2015). Oslo Art and Design Education (University) College 1966–1994 – An educational institution with corporate responsibility and sustainability in focus. FormAkademisk, 8(3). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.962




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