designing context-appropriate methodologies for mapping craft skills
DOI: (Nøkkelord):
craft education, craft skills, cultural mapping, data visualisationSammendrag
an ambitious Erasmus+ that addresses the need for skills in arts and crafts through research, creation of innovative craft training, and the establishment of a craft observatory. Firmly grounded within the field of craft science research, the methodology is rooted in the theory of practice and deploys a participatory
process to further explore crafts skill needs. However, to the purpose of this article, we focus on a particular methodological aspect, that is, how we use cultural mapping to explore the complex craft skill
ecosystem and analyse the rich data sets collected through a mixed set of instruments. Cultural mapping involves the systematic collection, documentation, and analysis of information about cultural assets – here: craft skills – within specific geographic areas or communities. In MOSAIC, we use cultural mapping
as an approach to establishing an analytical continuum between top-down (e.g. legislation) and bottom-up (e.g. industry) approaches to the analysis of skill needs in MOSAIC partner countries. This approach is
a good example of a context-appropriate research strategy that reaches beyond the borders of disciplines. As such, it fosters a holistic approach to craft science research that speaks to craft researchers, educators, and policymakers.
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Opphavsrett 2023 Ruxandra Lupu, Bardin Christophe

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