Exploring the Sustainability of Huizhou Bamboo Carving in the Perspective of Heritage Craft
https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.5451Emneord (Nøkkelord):
Heritage Crafts, Collaborative and Cooperative training Skills, Innovation, Digital Transformation, SustainabilitySammendrag
Huizhou bamboo carving was produced in the Huizhou region of China and is one of the representative carvings of the Huizhou region. As an essential local intangible cultural heritage, the carving techniques, cultural connotations, and historical and artistic values of Huizhou bamboo carving have contributed to its own high craft research value. However, this local heritage craft is facing many problems, such as the difficulty of spreading skills, selling craft products, and separating products from market demand. Therefore, how help Huizhou bamboo carving to get out of these difficulties and develop sustainability is a problem that needs to be solved urgently. Based on the perspective of heritage craft, this study proposes ways of digital multi-dimensional transformation of Huizhou bamboo carving products, collaborative and cooperative training of bamboo carving skills, and market innovation of bamboo carving products. Thus, this paper proposed some practical approaches for the sustainability of Huizhou bamboo carving research.
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Opphavsrett 2023 Maggie Zhang, Cees de Bont

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