Data-supported management and how it is conducted




data infrastructure, implementation, social and employment services


The article examines data-supported management and how it is conducted in Aarhus Municipality in the social and employment services in connection with the implementation of the Aarhus Compass. In the municipal departments, large resources have been set aside to ensure data-supported management, including through a number of workshops. The article draws on observations from these workshops and interviews with managers and employees in the relevant departments. In connection with the workshops, a so-called Game Board was used, which illustrates how data should be interpreted and used in data-supported management to counter unnecessary bureaucracy and meet the values of the Aarhus Compass. The article uses the concepts of the data literacy ladder and data infrastructure in the light of how data-supported management actually looks in the administration and uncovers four ideal-typical positions that managers and employees occupy. One of the points is that you can move on the stairs and take several positions at the same time. Another point is that the data infrastructure is constantly being revised and developed. Examples are given of how employees and managers locally produce data, as a supplement to and development of the data infrastructure. This is to counter the fact that the data infrastructure is perceived by managers and employees as a barrier in relation to flexibility in access to relevant data and as inadequate and difficult to manage.


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