The Double Meaning Making of the Term Cultural Diversity in Teacher Educator Discourses


  • Sandra Fylkesnes OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Sølvi Mausethagen OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Anne Birgitta Nilsen OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University



Cultural diversity is assumed to be a central component of Western education and even though it has been extensively investigated in international research on teacher education, little knowledge exists about its usage and meaning making in teacher educator discourses. This article provides insights into the usage and meaning making of the term cultural diversity based on semi-structured individual interviews with a total of twelve teacher educators from two Norwegian teacher education institutions. Drawing on the theoretical perspectives of discourse theory and critical Whiteness studies, we find that the term cultural diversity is used in a double meaning making pattern: Cultural diversity is presented as desirable and positive by teacher educators, yet it is also aligned with the notion of otherness. We discuss some possible methodological tools with which teacher educators can detect meaning making patterns and thus counter the production and reproduction of socially unjust discursive patterns. 



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How to Cite

Fylkesnes, S., Mausethagen, S., & Nilsen, A. B. (2018). The Double Meaning Making of the Term Cultural Diversity in Teacher Educator Discourses. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 2(1), 16–38.