Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures

Reflections on Our Learnings Thus Far


  • Sharon Stein University of British Columbia
  • Vanessa Andreotti University of British Columbia
  • Rene Suša University of British Columbia
  • Sarah Amsler University of Nottingham
  • Dallas Hunt University of British Columbia
  • Cash Ahenakew University of British Columbia
  • Elwood Jimmy Musagetes Foundation
  • Tereza Cajkova University of British Columbia
  • Will Valley University of British Columbia
  • Camilla Cardoso
  • Dino Siwek Independent Researcher
  • Benicio Pitaguary Federal University of Ceará
  • Dani D’Emilia Artist and Independent Researcher
  • Ubiracy Pataxó Independent Researcher
  • Bill Calhoun Uniseres
  • Haruko Okano Artist and Curator



decolonization; modernity; colonialism; pedagogy


In this article we review learnings from our collaborative efforts to engage with the complexities and challenges of decolonization across varied educational contexts. To do so, we consider multiple interpretations of decolonization, and multiple dimensions of decolonial theory and practice – in particular, the ecological, cognitive, affective, relational, and economic dimensions. Rather than offer normative definitions or prescriptions for what decolonization entails or how it should be enacted, we seek to foster greater sensitivity to the potential circularities in this work, and identify opportunities and openings for responsible, context-specific collective experiments with otherwise possibilities for (co)existence. Thus, we emphasize a pedagogical approach to decolonization that recognizes the role of complexity, complicity, and uncertainty.


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Stein, S., Andreotti, V., Suša, R., Amsler, S., Hunt, D., Ahenakew, C., Jimmy, E., Cajkova, T. ., Valley, W. ., Cardoso, C., Siwek, D. ., Pitaguary, B. ., D’Emilia, D., Pataxó, U., Calhoun, B. ., & Okano, H. (2020). Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures: Reflections on Our Learnings Thus Far. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 4(1), 43–65.