National curriculum policy in Norway and Brazil

Translations of the global accountability logic


  • Ana Lucia Lennert da Silva Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Karen Parish Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences



institutional logics framework, accountability, national curriculum policy, comparison


This paper addressed in what ways national curriculum policy in Norway and Brazil adopted the global accountability logic of which OECD and other international organizations are proponents. It borrowed from an institutional logics perspective to explain the complexity found within the accountability logic across these two nation-states. The method used was thematic analysis of the national curriculum policy. The findings revealed that national curriculum policy is informed by the international context, but translated within national contexts. Norway elaborated the accountability logic to encompass multiple aspects of this logic that reinforced each other to create a cohesive policy. In Brazil, tensions between different social groups resulted in a curriculum policy with contradictory aspects of the accountability logic. The translations of the global accountability logic reflected the context-specific features of each country and illustrated both homogeneity and heterogeneity that still exists in different educational contexts.


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Karen Parish, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Associate Professor


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Lennert da Silva, A. L., & Parish, K. (2020). National curriculum policy in Norway and Brazil: Translations of the global accountability logic. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 4(2), 64–83.