Book review

Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe


  • Bendik Fredriksen Oslo Metropolitan University



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Almqvist, C. F. (2019). Master’s seminars in music education across 18 years: inclusion, equality and democracy as lived experience. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Brinck, L. (2019). Musician and teacher: higher popular music education in a Danish perspective. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Gudmundsdottir, H. R. (2019). An Icelandic perspective on the Nordic music education community. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Hebert, D. G. & Hauge, T. B. (Eds.). (2019). Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Heimonen, M. & Hebert, D. G. (2019). Advancing music education via Nordic cooperation: equity equality as central concepts in Finalnd. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Husby, B. V. & Hebert, D. G. (2019). Integrated learning of music and science: reception of Björk’s Biophilia project in the Nordic countries. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Johansen, G. (2019). Music, universality and globalization: some challenges for music education in the decades to come. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Lasauskiene, J. (2019). Music teacher education challenges: national and international perspectives in Lithuania. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Marnauza, M. & Madalane, S. (2019). A paradigm shift in Latvian music teacher education: a selection of research experience in the period, 2008-2017. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds..), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Navickiene, L., Rauduvaite, A., Gabnyte, G. & Hebert, D. G. (2019). Emotional imitation method in the context of Lithuanian music education. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Schei, T. B. (2019). Musical performance and tacit self-censorship. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds..), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Sepp, A., Läänemets, U. & Kiilu, K. (2019). Bridging the past, present and future in Estonian music education. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.

Sæther, E. & Di Lorenzo Tillborg, A. (2019). Reflections on research collaborations: a call for Nordic research on music education, sustainability and democracy. In D. G. Hebert & T. B. Hauge (Eds.), Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Routledge.




Referera så här

Fredriksen , B. . (2021). Book review: Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 5(2), 86–89.